

i would just like to publicly announce that i have become asexual. not in the sense i can reproduce on my own like a lizard, but that i have no sexual orientation. i like no one. and i won't like anyone. ever again.

until someone good comes along.


wishing gets you no where

there are so many things i want.
people, objects, unattainable things that i need to let go.
why do i focus on these? i could be focusing on more beneficial aspects. or i could be practicing the things i want to excel in.
like song writing. there are so many things i wish i could get down on paper, but i can't find the words. the expressions. to show my outlook on certain things. how i feel. what i want.
i need to let my fears of what people think about me go. i need to focus on what i want. what i need. who i am. before i let my life revolve around others.
and i can't "try" anymore. i must "do." i can't pity myself for the things i "can't" accomplish. i need to focus on the things i can accomplish. or attempt the things i'm sure i can't.


lyrically challenged

the title of this entry has two meanings.

1. i've been trying to write songs forever, but nothing ever comes to mind. they're usually pathetic and pertaining to being alone (without a significant other) and they all sound so cheesy, like a really bad kelly clarkson song. yeah. just that bad.

2. i've started a new blog, specifically to post lyrics of songs that relate to how i'm feeling/that i love/random. read it sometime. challengedlyrically.blogspot.com.

p.s. i really should start including pics in my posts. adds something interesting.



listen to me, peeps. do not try to meddle in things that are none of your business. EVER! you'll just end up guilty and sad and ashamed, asking for forgiveness, even if they don't truly accept it. don't think that you're discussion will make the person think about his/her situation more. they'll just let it be, pushing the suggestion away.
he/she might ask to put it behind you, but the next day it will be awkward between you two, and you can't truly ignore it. that's all i have to say for now.
take this seriously. good bye.



i feel it's my duty to review this most amazing concert.
my good friend, david bennett, and i attended this show on 28.1.09 @ the back room of in the venue. spectacular show.
crooked fingers, a band from colorado consisting of a guitarist, bassist, and drummer (original, eh?). i'd heard of this band as it made a few bloggers' "top 10" lists this past year, but i didn't know any of their songs. and i don't plan to. they began playing, and the bassist, an apathetic, tired-looking woman, looked as if she was going to pass out on stage, and their songs were fairly mediocre. about halfway through their set, the electric violinist from devotchka came out on stage and, i must say, crooked fingers is definitely average without him. and he's not even part of their band. anyway.
after they left there were about 45 minutes of well-picked "elevator music" ranging from ratatat to the ocean's 11 theme. good stuff.
then, devotchka came on stage. the lead singer/guitarist/theremin player/bouzouki player came on wearing a wonderful gypsy-esque overcoat with large buttons and velvet trim. the upright-bassist/christmas light-covered tubist made an entrance. the aforementioned electric violinist/pianist/trumpist/accordian plater reentered, along with the drummer/trumpist/accordian player. quite the band. they immediately started, with no words spoken. halfway through their set, an aerial acrobat came on stage, flipping and creating awe throughout the audience. breathtaking originality. as the acrobat departed, the lead singer said his first words "thank you alexandria" inaudible if you were more than 10 feet from the stage. they continued playing. and playing. and playing. they left. came on for an encore and at 11pm, the lead singer thanked his band, and left.
wonderful. breathtaking. woot!

How It Ends - DeVotchKa

Transliterator - DeVotchKa


sorry for not updating my blog recently. i blame facebook for my blogging-neglect. i also blame my recent insanity and need to reflect on every aspect of my life. i must say that little project is quite the time sucker. anway..

due to my reflection period, i learned a lot about myself and what things are important to me, and how i was going to go about changing the things i didn't like about myself
step 1: cut hair
today i ventured to studio 9 and chopped all of my hair off. looks spectacular. though this may sound a bit cheesy, i feel like the hair was, in a sense, holding me down, i was so attached to that hair i didn't cut it, or change it, i just let it be, and that reminded me of the things i don't like about myself; i don't try to change them, i just live with all my faults and unhappiness. i'm hoping the cutting of my hair will initiate change and revision in my life.
for you reading the blog: please give me feedback (also sounds cheesy, but i couldn't do it without you)
thank you, and step 2 is coming soon!

Go Places - The New Pornographers