
holiday season

i'm not a big fan of the holiday season. it's an excuse for family, that i don't really like, to have dinner with you, ask nosy questions about school and boys, and stuff you full of food. and the annoying christmas carols (that you sadly know all the words to) playing in the background puts the finishing touch on the dreadful winter season.
i also hate christmas break. true, you can call up friends and make plans to hang out for a day, and you really don't need to do anything for two weeks, but i prefer school because no matter what, you are guaranteed to see your friends, you can easily hang out after school, and it's easier to stalk guys you like.
the third reason i dislike the holiday season so, is there are NO CONCERTS!! all the bands go home for the holidays, so us fans are left all alone listening to recorded versions of our favorite songs. if bands didn't take off the two weeks from touring, guess how many wonderful shows we would get to see. gr..
well so far it looks like the holiday season is here to stay, so i will brave it out and count down the days until we get to go back to school.

Winter-The Dodos

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